Samstag, 22. Oktober 2016

Hello everybody!

I'm just someone interested in languages and a few weeks ago I signed up on Polyglot.
There I asked for people to teach me their language and offered teaching German in return.
As I got a lot requests I decided to create this blog so many people could learn German or other languages.
Currently I'm learning English, French, Swedish, Arabic and Spanish and I'm planning to add some more. ;)
I'll post German lessons trying to make them understandable for everyone and I'll also post random facts about various languages.
If you have any question, write it in the comments!

This is the first time I'm running a blog, so please be patient with me ^-^

I hope you all enjoy learning new languages and that we might help each other!

5 Kommentare:

  1. hallo Frühling Ich mag würde, Deutsch zu lernen ich liebe die Sprache, ich will ihre Gewohnheiten etc. zu lernen, wie man sprechen, schreiben puedi Sie lehren Spanisch meine Muttersprache ist, wenn Sie interessiert sind.

    1. I will make the posts in English and maybe you could translate the vocabulary into Spanish and then I'll add it so that I learn those words and everyone else too or just the German ones :)

    2. ok. me gusto mucho la primera lección que pusiste.

  2. primavera y como seria la parte de la pronunciación.
